Can not ask anything during installation. Start Nemetschek Software Lock original.exe folder \Allplan 2015\CRACK\Drv\N emslock\.

If part of the module still has the status of "Trial" (Trial) restore the li cense again (see step 03) 06. License will become "Trial" (Trail) - The same action again, restore the same Samu license to be transferred from th e status "Proof" (Trail) to the status of "Registered" (Registered) - Now likewise possible to import any other license (including all previous versions) - When installing the license, the program can issue multiple translation errors - this is normal. After installation, copy the file "xBase.dll" from \Allplan 2015\CRACK\CYGiSO\ i n "*:\Program Files (X86)\Common Files\Nemetschek\NemSLock2006 "with the replacement of an existing file 04.- Run "NemSLockAdmin.exe" (folder "*:\Program Files\Common Files\Nemetschek\N emSLock2006") - Select "Restore the license file" select the license via the Browse.

Wh en you install Select the license file from Allplan 2015\Trial\Russia+Cis\, click "Next", enter "00000000" (User ID), click "Next" enter "FFFFFFFF" (Key CD). reg 64-bit system folder \Allplan 2015\CRACK\CYGiSO\ 03.Set Nemetschek Software Lock.exe folder \Allplan 2015\CRACK\Drv\Nemslock\. After remove clean registry contents file undo (x86).

02.After installation, remove the Nemetschek Software Lock 2006 through Control Panel Windows. Feel free t o use first one, after installation, you can import the remaining licenses. Nemetschek Allplan BIM 2015 01.Run the installation file Allplan Setup folder \Allplan 2015\ Use the license folder *\Allplan 2015\Trial\Russia+ Cis\ to install.